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Dirty Johnson's Dog Wash, Grooming, & Pet Sitting


Phone (801) 486-0683
Address 2823 S 2300 E,
Salt Lake City, UT 84109 United States


Dirty Johnson's is the premier Dog Wash, Grooming and Pet Sitting company in Salt Lake City, Utah. Established in 2005, we pride ourselves on having a clean and friendly environment and using the highest quality products. Call, check out our website, or stop in today! Both you and your dog will love Dirty Johnson's!

Self Service Dog Wash:

Self-Service Packages include: shampoo, face wash, unlimited towels, blow dryer, ear cleaning solution, use of brushes, combs and scissors. At Dirty Johnson's we get Dirty Dogs done Dirt Cheap!

Professional Grooming:

Keep your dog healthy and happy with Dirty Johnson's Pro Grooming! Full-Service Grooming includes: bath, conditioning rinse, brushing, nail trim, anal gland excretion, paw pad trim, sanitary trim, and breed-style cut. Both clipper and scissor cuts available. Get a great cut for a great price at Dirty Johnson's!

Pet Sitting:

Dirty Johnson's professional pet sitting service provides your pets with the love and attention they need while you are away on vacation, at work, or have a family emergency. Dirty Johnson's is licensed and insured. No more calling unwilling/untrained friends and neighbors!

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